What the color of your urine means

Ever wondered why many clinical tests require you to pee in a cup? This is because the body’s urine has been a vital tool of diagnosis since the early days of medicine. Urine helps you to discard unwanted materials present in your bloodstream.

The color, smell, and quantity of your pee could disclose a lot about your overall health. Although taking oral medication and supplements could alter your urine color, here’s a list of urine color and their possible meanings.


Transparent/no color: This could mean you drink a lot of water. The recommended amount of water to drink every day is 8 glasses which is about 2 liters.

Transparent yellow to pale gold: This is the normal pee color and you have nothing to worry about.

Dark yellow/honey color: This shows that the body lacks enough water.

Syrup brown color: This could be caused by antibiotics and laxatives. Muscle injury from excess exercise could also result to this.

Green: Some food dyes could make the urine produce a greenish color. Green urine can sometimes occur because of a urinary tract infection caused by Pseudomonas bacteria.

Orange color: This could be a problem indicating dehydration and if the urine color is still the same after drinking enough water, visit the doctor as this could be possible liver or bile problems.

Foamy/frizzy: There could be possible kidney problems if the urine appears too foamy or cloudy. This could also mean excess protein in the body.


Next time you want to take a piss, you might want to take a second glance at the color for a quick health examination!

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source: webmd.com


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