10 Types of people you have probably dated before

Everybody that has been in relationships before has been with one or two of these types of people. You miss some and you don’t miss others. Here is a list of people you’ve probably dated before.


The funny one: They always make you laugh, even when you’re in a bad mood, either with their characters or with their words.



The one that smothers you: You feel like they don’t give you enough space, they’re always in your business, and it gets to a point that it’s just annoying.

      1. via GIPHY
      2. The one that’s too serious: They don’t usually have time for you, they are either too busy working, or doing something, and it feels like they don’t have emotions.

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    1. The player: They are always flirting in your presence, or in your absence.

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  1. The overly romantic: They go out of their way to make you happy, and do things in appreciation for you that make you smile all the time.



  1. The inspector gadget: They go through all your stuff in order to convince themselves that you’re not being faithful to them. They are usually very insecure.
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  1. The ex you keep going back to: You broke up due to circumstances, but you always see yourself going back to the person. But Then it becomes complicated and it turns to a cycle of breakups and make ups.
    .via GIPHY


  1. The one that is perfect: They are perfect for you, and complete you in every way, you hardly find any fault with them.

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  1. The one that is never serious: You don’t know where they are heading, they usually don’t have stuff going on for them, and it feels like you’re not moving foward in the relationship.
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  1. The fling: This type of relationship usually happens as a rebound to get over someone, or it happens because you’re avoiding the baggage that comes from serious relationships.
    via GIPHY

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