Cheap ways to get more people to patronize your small business

The aim of any business whether small or big is to get patronage and make profits, most big companies have a wide distribution channel and can afford television, radio, billboards and other wide-reaching mediums to get people to patronise their businesses. As for small and medium businesses like yours, you might have to make use of other avenues that are not cash draining.

Here are a couple of such avenues;

  • Word of mouth: This is the cheapest and most effective method of getting people to patronize your business. Telling people and telling people to tell other people about your services will bring more people your way. Always encourage your friends and family to spread the good news of your business.
  • Web Advertising: You can place information about your goods/services on popular websites pr omote them on social media channels. Web ads are do not cost that much but it depends on the traffic and the ranking of the website you’re using.
  • Social media: Social media is one great medium to aqcuire new customers and maintain/build relatiohsips with old ones. Read our post here to learn about all the ways you can use social media to advance your business.
  • Encourage referrals: It has been said that a satisfied customer is the best markerter one can ever have, so ensuring your customers are fully satisfied and encourging them to refer their friends and families will bring more customers your way. You can boost referrals for your business by giving customer a small gift or reduced fee on charges whenever a referred person patronizes you.
  • Freebies and giveaways: Regular and periodic contests, giveaways and freebies will bring a lot of new customers your way and also retain your old ones. Take advantage of special days/holidays in the year to celebrate and appreciate your customers.
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One Comment

  1. aminu solomon owolabi Reply

    can I patronize my school and church ?The everlasting blessing school,The everlasting blessing church.

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