Become the ultimate Flexxer in 5 easy steps.

We’re sure you’ve been seeing and reading about “Flexxer”,  “Flexxer of the week” etc and you’re probably wondering if you are a Flexxer. Good news is everyone is a Flexxer but there are some qualities that set the true or ultimate Flexxer apart from the rest. If you fall within the ages of 16 – 25, we invite you to become the ultimate Flexxer by taking all of the 5 major steps listed below.

  1. Download the Flexx App: Do you want a world of possibilities and ease where you never have to step into the bank to carry out transactions? Then download the Flexx app immediately and take your first step into the Flexx World
  2. Open your Flexx account: How else will you enjoy your world of possibilities and ease without the most important account of all. Your Flexx account lets you into the Flexx base of financial opportunities and what’s even more awesome? You can open the account on your Flexx app with just a selfie, ID card, and your signature. Hurray! 
  3. Order your Flexx CardMake transactions without stepping into a bank (check), Enjoy mouth-watering discounts (check), Get access to exclusive opportunities (double check). Need we say more? Go get your Flexx card today and start flexxing the proper way.
  4. Download the Flexxer’s savings guide: Perks of being an ultimate flexxer includes getting tips on how to never run out of money. School or NYSC can be difficult but the satisfaction and peace of mind that comes with saving sure put smiles on our faces. Download the Flexxer’s Savings Guide for Students here and continue flexxing!
  5. Subscribe to the Flexxzone: Join the elite team of Flexxers to receive special access and information on our amazing discounts, opportunities and of course, our specially curated with love content and newsletters. We promise to not spam your inbox because we’re cool like that, just enter your name and email in the boxes at the bottom of this posts and let’s get Flexxing!

For more information about the Flexxing life, click this link


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