5 ways to tell the self employed life isn’t your calling

Let’s face it; we all cannot be entrepreneurs, because we’re simply wired differently. Although, saying, “I am the CEO”, “I run my business”, “I have 7 people under my pay roll” does roll off the tongue quite nice, but you would be shooting yourself in the foot if you follow the crowd mentality and head out to start your gig without being actually cut out for it.

  • You NEVER had the knack to sell or run a small business – Over 80 percent of entrepreneurs once ran a small business in high school, university, or just in the neighborhood. They have a knack to be independent and make their own money.
  • You’re good at completing tasks, but hate creating them – Completing tasks is totally cool but an entrepreneur goes out of their comfort to create tasks that are sometimes are not so easy.
  • You choose comfort over sacrifice – True entrepreneurs are the ones with the crazy, unorthodox ideas. They’re comfortable with being uncomfortable. They view the world differently and decisions make come with a price yet they go in on it. If you can’t imagine life without your monthly income or allowance from your parents as a means to discourage you from your career choice then the entrepreneur life isn’t for you.
  • You’re all about making quick and big bucks. Everyone wants to make money but entrepreneurs realise that they’re in it to solve problems and serve others because they realise the cash will flow eventually but it will take time.
  • You’re all about “soft work” – Hey, nothing wrong with this; we all love the soft life but an entrepreneur knows the self employed life is about sweat, toil, tears and hundreds of hours put into the business. If you’re not cut out for facing indecision, insecurity, instability and the regular borderline insanity, then you probably shouldn’t venture into the entrepreneurial life
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