
10 things all workaholics can relate to

Workaholics are people who are obsessed with their work/job. They live for it and are quite ready to devote extra hours to it, any day. Do your friends call you a workaholic? If yes, you probably exhibit one or more of these traits typical of workaholics:

1. Waking up early every day: For the workaholics, it’s 5 am-10 pm every day as opposed to the standard 8-5 or 9-5 depending on where they live.  Despite the time they get home, they are never late to work the next day.


2. Having so many tabs open on your system: A bunch of tabs are usually open on a workaholic’s office system. Plus, they love their gadgets and can’t go a day without them.


3. The weekend break is not a weekend break: Workaholics have little or no time to pursue their personal interests. Instead, they rather update their docs or complete that pending report due the following week!


4. Unread emails: Unread emails may be reaching thousands for a workaholic. This doesn’t mean they don’t acknowledge them; they just have a whole lot going on almost simultaneously.


5. Eating on the work desk: Hurried lunch is common among workaholics. Typing and chewing can count as multitasking.


6. Don’t “have time” to call or link up with friends and family: They find it hard to call back or take their calls; let alone chill out with their loved ones.


7. Deadlines: There’s always a deadline to meet. The wrestle begins from day 1 with having to meet deadlines.

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8. Multitasking: This is their number one skill! Best believe, they can manage many tasks at the same time.


9. Attending meetings: They’re most likely the delegated ones to attend meetings because they are believed to be versatile.


10. Their bosses/supervisors love them: Really, who doesn’t like someone who gets the job done nicely and fast too? Most of them remain their bosses’/supervisors’ delight because of the extra they do.


Does any of the above traits resonate with you? Share with us in the comment section

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